It’s very easy to think that the secret of a MILF finder is really all about how he carries himself or how he presents himself as well as how he talks to women. While a lot of those factors do play a role in how successful a MILF finder is, there is something deeper and more profound then using the simple option of using I am of course talking about biochemistry. You have to remember that the human brain is really just a tissue that is encased in a chemical bath. If you change the components in that chemical bath even a tiny smidge, the brain will start perceiving reality in a very different way.
As more and more researchers pay attention to the biochemical foundations of great sex, their discoveries have truly revolutionized our existing preconceptions of what constitutes sexual success. If you want to be a truly successful MILF finder, then you need to pay attention to this science. This can help you take your game to the next level. Most importantly, it can help you get more pussy more efficiently.
Touching her right unleashes chemicals
Did you know that touching a woman in the different parts of her body unleashes chemicals’ No, I’m not talking about putting the tip of your tongue in her clitoris. I’m not talking about that. That’s basic stuff. That’s high school shit. I’m talking about touching her at the back of her neck, touching her at the back of her ear. There’s certain areas near her mouth that you need to touch and even the side of her face unleashes certain biochemical signals that excite the brain.
One key organic chemical compound that you might want to pay attention to is called oxytocin. Animals secrete this chemical compound when they are nursing. This is crucial because animals that tend to abandon their children have low levels of oxytocin. Animals that are very good mothers, on the other hand, have high levels of oxytocin. Touching your partner at the right areas unleashes a flood of oxytocin. Oxytocin is crucial for emotional bonding. It’s crucial for opening each other up for physical intimacy and great sex. In other words, you need to touch your partner right first so you can get to foreplay. You then need to get your foreplay game down right to unleash the right chemical signals to then take care of business properly.

Don’t forget adrenaline
Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. Whenever you feel fearful or excited, adrenaline is pumped into your bloodstream. To maximize adrenaline flow you need to use oral sex. I talked about this earlier so you need to, not just use your mouth, but you have to use your tongue the right way and also use your fingers. You might want to Google the term ‘Yoni massage’. This ancient Indian technique for clitoral and vaginal massage can really take your foreplay game to the next level.